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Veronika Meindl

Relationship Agent



Veronika arrived in Luxembourg in 2009 after completing her studies in France and Germany. For Veronika, as a convinced European, this small, multinational and multicultural country is indeed a dream "landing point". Her studies in the cultural and linguistic field enabled her to find her first job here in the Grand Duchy in the administration of a theater federation and later in a renowned choreographic creation center.


Originally from Germany and having grown up in a small town on the Austrian border, Veronika always wanted to discover new horizons. This is how she met her husband while following part of her studies in France in the city of Clermont-Ferrand. Surrounded by a chain of volcanoes, this "barrier" did not stop Veronika's thirst for discovery and with her future husband the deal was to settle, once the studies were completed, in the city and country where the first of them would find a job. This is how Luxembourg won it!


In 2016 Veronika became mum of a little girl and this was the first time she has felt cruelly the absence of the famous "village" so necessary for each family. Torn between the desire to return to Germany with her family and to stay in Luxembourg, she decided to mobilize all her forces to create her own village here in Luxembourg. It was at this turning point in her life that she discovered Luxmama and began to share with other young mothers who were often moved by the same thoughts. Happy to have found peers within this network and very grateful for the advice and exchanges, Veronika decided to join Luxmama and help the association with her language skills. She is now in charge of communication with local communes and organisations to help facilitate premises for the association's various activities.


Veronika loves reading, traveling and going to the pool with her daughter who is a keen swimmer (to-be) just like her!


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R.C.S. Luxembourg F 10.484.

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